Author, populizer and entrepeneur exploring responsible futures

«The future is the wildest destination we can ever visit. [...] Let us not delude ourselves that it is possible to continue not to think about it: the journey into the future is not a choice. It concerns us all and, in this historical phase of radical change, it is not allowed to travel unpredictably. The future with its extraordinary destinations, its unsuccessful experiences, its extreme complexity, its opportunities and threats, requires profound reflection before departure, and the indications that apply to everyone, whether they are regular travelers of the future or about to embark on their first journey.»

Futures Scenarios


After. Il mondo che ci attende.

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Destination 2050 | Benvenuti nel 2050

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Podcast - Casual Future

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Cristina Pozzi

Cristina Pozzi is a leader in the field of educational and technological innovation, shaping the future of education and society. Cristina is an entrepreneur, public speaker, and activist with a mission to positively influence society. She studies and disseminates topics ranging from the future and ethics of artificial intelligence to education in the age of AI and the dynamics of work in the era of digitalization and new media. Cristina is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum (2019-2024) and was named a European Young Leader in 2020.